Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I counted over 100 Patents ( An exclusive right granted for an invention as an intellectual property right ) created by the staff of "SALES FORCE" in their San Francisco down town head office; the company designed to help you generate leads, get new customers all served through cloud computing, where assessing data and programs are over the internet instead  of computer"s hard drive. Salesforce was founded 17 years ago registering a revenue of US$ 5.5 billion last year having an assets of US$10.5 billion number of persons employing 17000. It is now one of the most valued company in United States of America with a market capitalization of US $ 45 billion. There is no display  inscribed of top management staff or their CEO Marc Benioff but at the entrance visitors attention is immediately drawn to the Patent Contributors on the Metal Board with illumination in 3D letters. These patents were exclusively researched by the staff for further INNOVATIONS on Data Storage.

While in bay area recently I noticed in no time the concern for Research and Development was  profound and aggressive. They employ hundreds and thousands in R &D ,massive program and seminars are launched, scholars are called for brain storm sessions, young, old, strong or feeble have just one and only one agenda INNOVATION !
Historically there are well documented evidence of the clear relationship between Innovation and Economic growth.The significance of research and innovation in attaining the vital growth in developed nation has been revolutionary, recognized in past almost 300 years ago by Adam Smith and critics like Robert Solow in 1960. Adam Smith in 1776 quoted in his most famous essays compiled in his book " Wealth of Nations " which reads " many improvement have been made by the INGENUITY of the makers of machine, when to make them, became the business of a particular trade; and the same for some others so called men of speculation whose trade it is not to do anything but OBSERVE EVERYTHING ( Present day Venture Capitalist ) and who, upon that account are often capable promoting entrepreneurship by way of capital and infrastructure resources. In the progress of society speculation present day i.e.  "Trade Index" becomes, like every other employment- Sole Occupation of a particular class of citizens generating large financial output. This became the focal point among the Western Nations and Japan after Second World War, to usher industrial revolution rapidly by encouraging science and research in university campuses and opening R&D in their Industrial units. The market world over accepted competition via innovation a driving force of economic development, knowledge and gains were shared internationally leading to profound implication as how intellectuals conceive development through "Knowledge Spill Overs" . Basically then I believe when a company increases its investment in capital it is not only increasing its own production level but also those of neighboring companies.
Global economy has now highly interdependent as evidenced by ever increasing exchanges of goods, services, ideas, values, expertise in a manner in which solutions are sought to solve global issues.
The history of life and human culture is a story of relentless probing of the ADJACENT POSSIBLE, each new innovation opening up new paths to explore for instance the Web at the initial stages was only medium of words connected with some links and in a matter of few years expanded vastly into virtual encyclopedias; YOU TUBE became one of the most influential video delivery machine in the planet. I could see all this during my stay with son in law ( vaidya ) who took pains to explain the reason of key development in Bay Area in SFO; this place is the ultimate destination of researchers and innovators. I also noticed in SFO every 4 th vehicle is driven by DESI , in public transport I could hear chaste Indian local languages. They reflect no complexion or fear like the migrants of past since they are armed with science and knowledge.
The ever increasing demand for information and data storage will be (according to vaidya) focus of a new center for training researchers and seeking to develop Innovative Laser Technology to take Cloud Computing to the next level and according to him currently advance research is being done in " Integrative Photonics " and its applicability to Data Storage and information processing. Let this be the theme for Make in India.