Monday, July 29, 2013


Athreya a few months old is our younger grandchild..As grandparents during our two months stay at my son's place in Desmoines - Iowa  we had an abundance of indulgence ,wish we had the energy that of our 5 year old Grandchild  Keyaa as they have the knack to bring out the best in us.Grandparents need their children and more the grandchild as well.Grandchildren of this generation have an acute sense of creativity are gifted to understand and control remotely,intricate fun and playful gadgets that it is absolutely mystifying technology for people of our time that I received a first hand coaching probably the only of its kind in my life.
On this occasion unlike the previous one in 2010 Keyaa then barely 18 months old would gleefully be with me without any qualms as I would create her interest in colourful objects which she would keenly observe and also I will not miss drawing her attention to different sizes of vehicle passing down the street, that others in the house appreciated my tact more than probably intelligence ; I am rehearsing the same with Athreya my daughter's new born of 5 months. Keyaa now as I see possess an array of specialized tools such as Ipod / Tablet computer and she instantly at will brings out fairy figures of Cinderella, Snow-White,Dora or Bella and various dream princes exhibiting different costumes,cosmetics, nail polish,footwear,braids,necklaces, earrings which she swiftly matches and in no time a complete portrait of her liking emerges. I was her fan cum learner constantly engaged and entertained and my IQ was repeatedly  tested and instead of telling Grandpa stories I become her pupil taking periodic lessons on dress and jewelry selection , use of cosmetics and hair setting with a dryer- I suggested hair oil as routinely applied during our time she just stared, the solitary suggestion sternly rejected; lesson learnt not to interrupt without knowledge. A day prior to our return journey she came to my room looked up and directed me to take a practical test, topic perform a demo HAIR DO or STYLE on her with a mirror to reflect the proceedings- duration of  the exam just 10 minutes as she has to go for swimming classes. Result announced "PASSED". This incident can be adequately collaborated by my daughter in law she has captured the sequence in her smart phone device. Besides this she also advised me to be POSITIVE and stop being RIDICULOUS with irrelevant suggestions, all in presence of  my son anand. Where in this world will I hope to find so much of sincere  love, affection and genuine  play we are indeed blessed.

There exist a relevant grudge with my children that I could not narrate to them bedtime stories during their childhood the truth there were stalwart  stories tellers in our extended family that my presence was hardly noticed in midst of great grand mother, grand parents, brother and sister in laws and few permanent guests like uncle and aunt in our lively Mumbai tenement; I want to assure them that matters have not altered " LET THEM BE ASSURED THAT I HAVE NOT BEEN SUCCESSFUL  EVEN NOW AS A GRANDPA STORY NARRATOR INSTEAD I HAVE SUCCUMB AND BECOME A PUPIL"  a rare privilege.
Grandparents world over are known to pass life lessons, family history and positive values I will certainly look forward to do this to my lovely affectionate adoring gifted grandchildren on the next visit. 


  1. I will be narrating the drawing lessons rendered by Keyaa which experts like my daugher and wife were unable to do...

  2. Mr. Vaidyanathan,
    Great article!
    Grandparents have the benefit of interacting on a level that is once removed from the day-to-day responsibilities of parents. This can make it easier to develop a close bond with grandchildren. From near or far, grandparenting can provide continuity in a child's life.
    Grandparents are often the family historians, and can add a rich sense of family tradition to a child's life.

    Additionally, contact with grandparents can teach children positive attitudes towards aging and help them develop skills to enhance their own lifelong learning.

  3. Nice one. So true. Learning process is a continuous cycle,
    never ending journey.

  4. Nice one. So true. Learning process is a continuous cycle,
    never ending journey.
